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tv   Fox 5 News at 5  FOX  April 10, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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for us is over, for me, and we will suspend our campaign effective today. we're not done fighting. we're going to continue to feet for the voices, we're going continue to fight for the americans who stood up and gaves that you air under our wings that allowed us to accomplish things that no political expert would have expected. there is a lot of greatness. a lot of greatness in this country. and we need leaders who believe in that and are willing to give voice to. that. >> reporter: the supporters help santorum win 11 states and that he will keep fighting to defeat barack obama. he did not endorse his opponent, mitt romney, in fact, never mentioning his name. laura? >> thank you. and what does this mean for the three remaining candidates in the race? he's more on. that what does this mean? >> reporter: there are two realities at work here. nobody's going to fault rick santorum for choosing his
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family and young daughter over a presidential campaign. and mitt romney is 60% of the way new to the delegates needed that 1,144 to clench the nomination. and rick santorum was looking at a pennsylvania primary coming up here, he was showing the signs of losing, even though he was a senator in pennsylvania. so, it was not looking good for rick santorum in this race and his people may have been looking for exit doors here. clearly, by not endorsing mitt room in -- mitt romney today and with the statements, you know, that we have a fight to go o that is clear eventually that all of the candidates who get out eventually come around and endorse the front runner and at some point, it appears he will do that and today was about him and not mitt romney. >> the party needs to unite, obviously, into the election. what does this do for the campaigns of newt gingrich and
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ron paul? >> gingrich is in this still. he came out and said effectively that mitt romney is going to be the party. i like rick santorum supporters to look at my campaign and, oh, by the way g to my website and donate and there is debt piling up here. rick santorum has $1 million to pay off and newt gingrich is not far behind that and there is that money. they allowed themselves to go on and continue to raise money, pay down some of the debt and effectively, they have ended their races here and they not going forward or going to be the nominee. mitt romney is. >> all right. thank you, tom fitzgerald. and? breaking news now. george zimmerman's attorney announced they lost track of the client and are no longer reing him.
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zimmerman's lawyer said he stopped talking to them on sunday and they don't know why and zimmerman admitted to shooting trayvon martin. the attorneys said that zimmerman contacted sean hannity of fox news directly but don't know what they talked about. the final straw came with another phone call. >> and we heard that george contacted the prosecutor's office directly, one of the things every defense attorney tells the client is don't talk to the prosecutors or cops. don't talk to anybody until we get control of the situation and get it through couple. we were astonished and should had some conversation back and forth at the special prosecutor's office. >> and that special prosecutor will decide if he will face any charges. following new developments in the case of the 6-year-old who accidentally shot himself to death yesterday. the boy found a gun in the backpack belonging to raymond brown. brown is no facing a charge of
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wreckless endangerment and paul wagner has more. >> reporter: the family member identified the dead child as amari perkins, a first grader at randall elementary school in clinton. according to police and the boy's aunt, the six-year-old found thin a spider-man backpack and that is one that looked identical to his own. according to a family member who spoke with reporters off camera today, there was more than one spider-man backpack in the house. when the six-year-old opened the backpack yesterday afternoon thinking it was his, police say he found a lead handgun. when the shot went off, the family member said that brown was nearby and distraught when he learned what happened, immediately trying to help save the boy's life and brown is a longtime family friend. it's unclear who owns the gun, but brown admitted putting it
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in the backpack. within hours of the shooting, the police said charges would be filed. >> and any weapon inside of a home has to be secureed and can't be stored in a way that allows access to other people, particularly young children. >> reporter: neighbors declined to comment on the tragedy and, at the child's school, reporters were not allowed to speak to the principal. >> we report too many stories year after year after year and seems like every jurisdiction in the washington metropolitan area. everyone thinks they don't apply to them and the tragedies can never affect them or impact their families. that is not the case. >> reporter: raymond brown is facing too additional charges, including a charge of firearm access by a minor. and at the time of the shooting, there were a number of people inside the home, including the victim's grandmother, great grandmother and two young girls, sean o. on shawn. >> such a -- young girl.
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shawn. >> thank you. new details tonight. investigators are expected to release the name of the officer who shot and killed the suspect. he was responding to a report of suspicious people on sheriff's road in landover. the officer claims he saw three men, chased them and caught up with michael bailey jr. and that he used a tazer to shot him but bailey pulled out a shotgun and the officer shot him. and a former d.c. private school teacher is in the fbi's global 10 most wanted list. he's replacing osama bin laden and has been on the run since 2008. agents say another teacher found explicit photos of one boy on the school camera that he was augusting. he's not been seen since the day he lost his job. >> and there are a few things that typically make the folks
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stop. and that is discovery, arrest, incarceration or death. that is what makes them stop. that their is no on-off switch that someone is going to turn off. >> the fbi believes that toss had multiple agents and no longer thinks he was in the area. and public officials have worked out a plan with the wireless industry to make a cell phone useless if it's snatched from the owner. d.c. officials invited members of several police departments along with federal officials to announce the new effort. >> reporter: the smart phone robberies have become so profitable at times, criminals are holding up people and saying give me your. >> i joy phone instead of your wallet. the crimes can be brutal. people have been beaten, and even killed over the phones. new, a plan that will make a stolen phone worthless. just look around. all of those people holding
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smartphones. potential victims for criminals looking to make a quick buck. >> and there are some being fenced immediately on the internet. craig's list, things like that. some that are being fenced and in some shopping malls. >> reporter: new, it won't be so easy. they welcome the police chiefs from new york and philadelphia, along with federal officials to announce the plan that takes the profit out of stealing a smart phone. >> what we're announcing here today will make a stolen cell phone about as worthless as an empty wallet. >> reporter: cell phone providers agreed to use a data base to keep track of phones that have been stolen. if someone with a stolen phone tries to reactivate it, the data base blocks them from doing so. >> if you have a verizon phone and someone steals it, and they want to activate it on at&t or sprint or another network, once the data base is in place, that phone will be blacklisted and won't work on any network. >> reporter: recently, district officials arrested two dozen people at 12 local businesses
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and showed off stolen phones that they believe were being resold at the businesses. >> and i think being able to set up a data base that was disabled, the bases will be a huge step forward. >> reporter: law enforcement believes that this new public- private effort could reduce crime overall. many cities report smart phone thefts as a serious public safety issue. new, carriers with the push of a button will be able to take highly prized stolen instruments and turn them into worthless pieces of plastic. it's like draining the swamp to fight malaria. >> all right, so the data bases should be up and running in the near future within six months. the one issue is giving all wireless companies access to the same data base that could take more time. the end goal is to have them linked worldwide so even if your phone isel to know here or shipped overseas, it will be useless around the world. no need to register for the program and the cost of the
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data base won't be passed on to customers, laura. >> that is great. thank you, matt ackland. >> uh. speaking of great, the megamillions mystery is solved. >> love the story. >> coming up, three public educators claim the share of the record jackpot. really, if someone's going to win it, that has to be who it is. >> i know. >> and students jump into action after the bus driver has a heart attack behind the wheel. and a controversial documentary comes to the district. we'll go one-on-one with the director putting the spotlight on bullying in our school. gary. and thanks, shawn. today, not too bad out there. the temperatures well up into the mid- to upper 60s and let's so if we can stay on this roll. that is pretty nice out there. a great evening ahead. we'll have a look at the evening forecast coming up. fox 5 news at 5 will continue. stay with us. ay with us.  
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. maryland's megamillions lottery winner's finally turned in their ticket. there is still a little bit of mystery left in this story as fox 5s melanie alnwick shows us, they're keeping a few big details private. >> reporter: this might be all you ever see of maryland's megamillions winners, calling themselves the three amigos, a woman in her 20s, man in his 40s and a woman in her 50s and with a financial advisor presented the winning ticket. >> those are the people you
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would want to see win the lottery and it happened. >> reporter: the lottery director said they don't want to be identified but they did allow some details about them to be released. they're coworkers at a maryland public school. one is an elementary teacher, one a special education teacher and one provides administrative support. the first time they have pulled their money for a lottery and each put in $20 and the youngest of the group bought tickets at three locations in the baltimore area for a total of 60 chances and the right numbers popped up at the the 7- eleven store at milford mill. >> that night, the woman who purchased the tickets, laid all of the tickets out on her floor, watched the numbers be drawn and then after seeing that, in fact, one of their winning tickets had the winning numbers and after, i think, collecting herself from a state of disbelief, she contacted one of the other participants in
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the group that they then called and had to wake up the third participant, told the individual that they were coming over. they thought the third participant thought that perhaps they were playing an early april fool's joke on her. >> reporter: they're each taking a cash payout of $35 million. all three had been working multiple jobs to make ends meet. so, what do you do with $35 million a piece? travel is in the picture for all three of them. they have plans to do that and there are homes to buy, either for themselves or for family members and one does have a daughter's college education to pay for. they continue to stay at their jobs and have a strong commitment to the kids in their school. maryland lottery officials say that these three winners are the only megamillions winners in the state. in baltimore, melanie alnwick, fox 5 news. it's the most talked about documentary in years. a film that could have a profound impact on the problem facing millions of children and
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families. the movie "bully" follows young people, the target of cruel attacks in their own schools. tonight, the national education association is hosting an advanced screening of the film and a panel discussion of the issue of bullying. and lee hirsch joining us live with more. thank you very much for joining us. >> reporter: terrific to be with you. >> and we know there was a lot of publicity. what message do you have about the administrators on the fence for allowing the students or kids to see the film? >> i think the voice of america rose up, a half a million people resisted. the mpaa, i think themselves, were uncomfortable with the rating. today, we have a pg-13 rating, which is saying to parents take your kids, let them go. also, for what it's worth, every single province in canada gave this film a pg rating.
5:17 pm gave it a pg rating and we're here today and with the nea, aft and other incredible organizations are here committed to making a difference and that is what we're seeing. what is amazing is that kids and families are going to tell bus the conversations they never had before. absolutely awesome. >> and that is an important social issue that deserves a lot of attention. what prompted you to get involved in the project? >> i was one of the 13, you know, 13 million kids are bullied every year in america, and i was one of them. i was a kid that was bullied, i carried that with me and i wanted to make a change and to give a voice to the experience. hopefully that is what this film is doing. >> when people go in to see your film, when parents go in with their kids and when kids go by themes with their friends what, do you want them to walk out and feel and take with them
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into the communities and their lives? >> it's a great question and that call to action is simple. with the amount that they can be at bullying, they can be just as clever, if not more, at finding great solutions and finding ways to stand up for each other, to change the climate and culture in their school and to make a difference. it's simple. you don't have to change the world. just stand up for each other, do something nice, invite someone to sit at your table and that is a simple message. i hope that is what people do when they grove the theatre. >> we salute you, i can't wait to take my two youngest children to see it. >> and -- we open this friday in d.c. come on out and support the film. >> and thank you. a middle school student in washington state had a lot to
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be proud of tonight. when his bus drive her a heart attack and that 13-year-old rushed in to help. surveillance video shows what happened. he jumped out of the seat and this is what happened. >> i ran up and grabbed the wheel, steer it to the right side of the road, take the keys out of the ignition. >> and a school district employee drove by and saw the bus on the side of the road. jeremy said that he plans to take a cpr course himself and there is no word on the condition of the bus driver. absolutely gorgeous and that is all i can say about today and -- i thought it was going to be cooler. >> yeah, nice to not have the winds and need to schedule our recess duty at the same time. >> there we go. >> yeah. and it was a gorgeous day for sure and what are we looking out for?
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>> and that is better than we thought and that is all of the sunshine helping to push the numbers up and may have topped out at 69 degrees and which is that high yesterday. if you were with us, it would be in the lower 60s tops for highs today and this is a little bit breezy and not like it was yesterday. and not windy or gusty and in town, gaithersburg, stronger for martinsburg and hagers town and some gusts to the mid-20s or so and cooler and the winds are gustier around 31 miles an hour and yesterday zone, this and today, we have this. the red flag warning until 8:00, the low humidity, gusty winds again and that rapid fire
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growth more than 3 inches motor month of -- and since the beginning of march. 66 in town; quantico, 73; a gorgeous evening out there. nice at 7:00, nice at 9:00 and some temperatures will dip into the 30s. again tomorrow, the forecast of more clouds and a few showers. we'll detail that and we still on track for the weekend. remember what i said about sunday yesterday. >> i am remembering. can you remind us later. >> and pushing 80. >> all right. >> and thank you, gary. check the weather 24/7 with live doppler radar and that is with somek isosis to our weather blog and more. coming up, bride busted. wait until you hear what this woman did to have a lavish wedding recession. and find out why show and tell at one school ended with the stepfather's arrest. 's arr
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and if you have a story idea, call the fox 5 tipline at 2,028,953,000 or send us an e- mail to fox 5 tips at
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. a full jury and six alternates are seated in the trial of a man charged with killing members of jennifer hudson's family. william belfour is charged with killing her mother, brother, and nefew in 2008. some couldn't set aside their sympathy were dismissed. show and tell in a connecticut classroom landd this stepfather in jail. a five-year-old boy went to kindergarten yesterday with his stepfather's jacket and pulled out 10 packets of heroin for show and tell. the teacher grabbed the drugs and the principal called police. the boy's stepfather was arrested when he came to the school looking for the drugs. roman is being held on $100,000 bail and the boy was put in
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state custody. a new york bride is accused of faking cancer to get a lavish wedding and honemoon. she's charged with grand larceny and scheming to fraud. she accepted thousands in donated services and goods after claiming she was dieing of leukemia. she married a man named michael o'connell in 2010, went to a honeymoon to aruba and four months later, they told the newspaper they faked the illness, they divorced and moved to virginia and later she joined him. she plead guilty and is being held on $10,000 bond. >> not a good way to start. >> not at all. coming up, a new study shows what health effect, what effect the healthcare could have on the effect of the economy. and former president george bush, george w. bush during a rare public speech. and concussion concerns. we're going to show you what a local high school is doing to protect lacrosse athletes on the fold. the fold. 
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. from high school to the pros. concussions are a hot topic. guidelines are being put in place at all levels to make sure athletes don't return to action until they pass baseline tests. dave feldman is here with what one local lois highways is doing to prevent concussions. >> reporter: football remains a sport where athletes are at risk of concussions and they also represent the highest share in hockey, too. other spores, boys and girls lacrosse with high concussion numbers. as lindsay murphy reports, the girls are doing something about it. >> i was going for a ground ball and one girl first knocked by my goggles down and another slashed me across the temple. >> the girl hit me on this side of the head and i kept playing and playing. i was feeling light headed and
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did. >> reporter: concussions are an all-too common injury in sports. although girl's lacrosse preaches finesse instead of a greg, they proof no one is immune in the heat of battle. nine girls suffered concussions last year and this season, she made headgear mandatory. the first team in the d.c. region to do so. >> a lot of concussions happened to our team and so, we thought it would be best to make it possible for our girls and we're not afraid to take that step or say hey, we're here to protect our girls and doesn't change our game or the way we play and doesn't inhibit the vision and doesn't do anything other than protect them. >> reporter: she missd about two months during her concussion recovery and has wore a helmet since. morris missed a week and continued playing without a helmet. they're manditory in boy's lacrosse and remains a hot topic on the girl's side.
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some think the introduction could lead to more aggressive play on the fold. >> everyone thinks they going to wear helmets. we're not, with we're wearing a rugby helmet, softer and lighter. back then, i was thinking the same thing and that is on how the coach deals with the players and what their philosophy is. >> and i feel that -- and to change, you know, i'm wearing a helmet, they can't hurt them or i can't hurt them and they can't hurt me and it goes from finesse to hitting each other. >> i think the game could be more aggressive. i am sure more -- and that does not end up that way with more rules. >> reporter: the coach will speak with the u.s. lacrosse after the season to get her feedback on the helmet. lindsay murphy, fox 5 sports. >> and thanks. the women's game is played without helmets since 1913, and the last 10 years, protective
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eyewear and head gear are introduced. and girls on other teams want to wear helmets and ask about them all of the time. back to you. >> good ton. thank you. too many dental x rays can cause a brain tumor that is not cancerous but debilitating. those people who get the annual x rays outside of the mouth are three times locally to develop the tumor and those with some annual bite wing x rays were twice as likely to develop the tumor. some salon-quality nail polish that claim to be free of toxic chemicals contain high levels of them. a california investigation involved the so-called toxic trio the chemicals are not illegal but can cause developmental disabilities and asthma. check out the web links on
5:34 pm a brand-new study shows president obama's health care law would lead to a $340 billion deficit. the study was put together by economists and report found that the healthcare law would increase the deficits by 200 billion over 11 years. president obama is in florida pushing for an overhaul of the nation's tax code. the proposal known as the buffet role would increase taxes on the wealthy and republicans say raising taxes would hurt job creation and economic growth. the white house officials say it's an effort to level the playing field so the wealthy pay the same tax rates. >> this is the defining issue of our time. a make-or-break moment for the middle class, and everyone who is aspiring to get into the middle class. and we have two very different vigs of our future, and the choice between them could not be clear. >> the measure could come up
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for a vote in the senate as early as this week. and former president george w. bush talking taxes during a rare public speech at the new york historical society. he spoke at a george w. bush conference on tax policies for 4% growth. mr. bush said the u.s. needs to have a singular focus on private sector growth to get the economy back on track. >> therefore, if you raise taxes on the so-called rich, you are really raising taxes on the job creators. if the goal is private sector growth, you have to recognize that the best way to create that growth is to leave capital in the treasuries of the job creators. >> the obama administration wants to allow tax cuts for the wealthy to expire and require wealthier people to pay a higher percentage than middle class households. >> a major league baseball team suspends its manager.
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coming up, why his comments caused an uproar among cuban americans. >>. and i transgenner contestants get a chance to compete in the mess universe pageant. next. next. @@@@@úhd@h we love gardening...
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yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual. i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for free. nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil. you just mix it with your backyard soil... and it feeds your plants for up to 3 months. my plants grew bigger... more beautiful... with more flowers and vegetables. guaranteed. everything changed with miracle-gro. for you are these flowers, like soap is for showers. everyone grows with miracle-gro.
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. for the first time ever, transgender women will be allowed to compete for the miss universe crown. owner donald trump announced last week that jenna talakova will be the first to compete. she had a six operation four years ago but banned because she was male. the manager of the miami marlins suspended about the comments of fidel castro. y guillen was quoted in "time" magazine saying he loves and respects castro. that comment angered members of the cuban american community. now he will sit out five games. guillen apologized and accepts
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the suspension but that he was misquoted and is embarrassed by the incident. >> i was misinterpreted what i mean in spanish, i want to say something, i was thinking in spanish and instead i say i can't believe somebody hurt soy 59 people over the years is still alive. >> the team's new ballpark is in miami's the havana neighborhood. coming up in hot topics, a beachgoer gets blown away and it's all caught on camera. and. lawmakers in maryland left a lot of issues in the air as the general assembly session came to a close last night. lawmakers are joining us to talk live about everything from the budget extending gambling in the state. and gary's back with the forecast. hopefully he's going to talk about the sunshine and warm temperatures. we'll be right back. 
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. the head head legislative session officially over. with no deal on a state budget or a casino in prince georges county. and that means lawmakers have to work overtime to hammer out some kind a deal. we're joined by tony o'donnell and house majority leader democrat barbi. thank you for being with us, especially after a late night last night and i have to ask you off the bat on behalf of the frustrated marylanders, why couldn't you guys get this done? some of the companion bills are debated, being debated were introduced months ago and vetted in the public hearings and you couldn't come to an agreement. and mr. o'donnell, let's start with you. >> reporter: in my opinion, there were too many taxes on the table, too much spending and the chambers dominated by supermajorities of the democrat party in bothouses and can't
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agree amongst themselves. unfortunately, the governor was not around to provide leadership. he was running around getting involved in that republican presidential primary and not paying attention to what was going on in annapolis. we didn't get the work done that we should have, unfortunately. >> and can i have you respond to that? >> certainly, great to be here. first of all, we passed a balanced budget with some heavy spending cuts. what we didn't have time for were packages that would have shifted pension costs to local governments and a tax package that tony refers to and that disagreement was this. the house leadership didn't want is to raise the gas taxes or for any couples making less than $150,000 a year. and we're fighting for the middle class here and that is a fundamental disagreement we had. at the end of the day fortunately too late, the
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senate agreed with us and agreed not to tax people, individuals earning less than $100,000 couples earning less than $150,000. >> and there is talk of comingfo toa special session here. won't that cost taxpayers more ultimately? >> reporter: it's my hope we will work out a compromise and spend very, very little time. the bottom line is that we don't want to raise the taxes of working class and middle class people. people who make less than 100,000 couples less than $150,000. >> and who is to sea can you get it done then? >> sure. we have had situations like this before and we balance ourability, which we did and this is our first, 51st year in a row where we have that aaa bond rating. >> the majority leader's right. if they don't want to raise taxes and raise the gas tax, the best way is not to come back into the special session. we have a balanced budget.
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it's not necessary. we can just keep what we have and move forward, or, if we come into a special session, i will guarantee you they will raise the taxes on the same middle class families the majority leader wants to protect. >> and let me say one thing. the budget we have new cuts $200 million out of education, it cuts $30 million out of the university system, gets rid of our biotechnology tax credit. this is a harsh budget, and getting rid -- removing $200 million from k-12 is not a policy won't to go to into because we have the best public school system in america and want to keep it that wa i. >> the reality, it spends more than last year and continues to keep our priorities and more importantly, in the worst economy in 75 years, it doesn't raise taxes, gas taxes and income taxes on families having a hard time. >> and this is at the heart of
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the issue and let me ask you about the gambling issue and now, because you couldn't get this, the entire statehouse has to pay. where does this go from here? >> who starts? >> and let's you have start, delegate o'donnell. >> there was a proposal on the table to expand gaming and a six-sided prince georges county and the measure failed. so, you know, we'll see what will happen going forward. i will tell you this, that the original round of slots licenses issued under the 2007 law we passed, referendum in maryland, 40% are up and running right now. we have to look long and hard. i think the majority leader and i have a lot of common ground on this issue, and we ought to be very careful how we proceed with this. >> you want to give us some final thoughts? >> i so enjoy disagreeing with him and on this case, i really don't. we have to be careful about this. these are weighty issues and
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this is my hope we can resolve it in this march that is good for the state of maryland. >> thank you both for being with us. >> great to be here. >> thank you. and let's go to the weather. >> and it's beautiful outside. >> i hope i'm wrong again tomorrow. >> okay. >> i don't think i will be. i think we'll have more clouds with showers and it's nice, though, when you're wrong and i was not superwrong, but i do want you to know it's going to be nice like this all evening long andd wins are gusty, 20 miles an hour in town and no rain around the area. with the gusts, we have a few more to the south and not quite as strong. martinsburg is 26 miles an hour. winchester, 32; they're stronger to the north and to the west. sustained wind, 22 miles an hour and the temperature is 66. you see the relative humidity, very, very low at 20%. high fire danger with this and
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the issue again until 8:00 tonight. 61, gaithersburg; 59, frederick; hagerstown, cumberland, 52 and the clouds are just to the north of us and that is why that is cooler up there. nice at 7:00, the temperatures in the upper 50s, nice at nineteen error:00, the temperatures in the lower 50s and on that cool side by 11:00, the temperatures fallling into the 40s, notice to the north of us that is where some clouds are. we escaped that and north of 70 here's, that is when you begin to find some mostly cloudy conditions. this rain you see here, it's raining and probably not touching the ground because it's so dry at the surface. this is the big trough and that is cold air pulled to the north- northwest of us. very unstable in the upper levels of the atmosphere and we're popping up showers even a few snow showers and coming across the up of michigan and a
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few is showers. cold enough for snow and that is a changeover there in western pennsylvania. a fairly cold air mass up under the trough and we're underneath it more temperature and that means we at least have a chance of a few showers and 40 tonight and that is going to be colder in the suburbs. we're talking mid-30s and north and western neighborhoods, the cool start tomorrow morning, 42 at 8:00 a.m. and some clouds at noon, 53. they will build by late morning and we may have a spotty shower or two late tomorrow afternoon and can you see here, the temperatures instead of the mid- to upper 60s, what we had today, we're talking tomorrow, temperatures mid- to upper 50s and this is future cast. notice a few widely scattered showers tomorrow at 5:00 and not everyone gets it. some will have a hard time coming to the ground. this is thursday at 1:00, gorgeous on thursday, gorgeous on friday and if we get into
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the weekend, a few more clouds and that is a nice warm-up. sunshine on saturday, and warm on sunday, 78 degrees and some aidsy degrees readings around the region on sunday and that is the forecast. now we shift to shawniancey and sarah. -- shawn yancy and sarah. miley sirus talks about her wet loss and incrediblevo of a jet engine blowing a woman away and sarah frazier has more. we knot some good topics to talk about and miley cyrus said she's anorexic but that is not why show lost weight. >> this is being called the gluten free trend in hollywood and it's new. is it the new anorexia for hollywood? miley sirus, her weight loss is dramatic, by the way. >> uh-huh. >> and show claims she's gluten free now and has had a reaction to wheat and rye and that is
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the cause of the dramatic weight loss. it's alarming. she lost about 20 pounds and -- . >> light put this out here. the experts say that having a gluten free diet doesn't help you lose weight. so -- . >> i agree. >> take that for what it's worth, the health experts say that is not true. >> it helps when you have a settlen trainer, too, i'm -- celeb trainer, i'm sure. a virgin atlanta employee tipping off the paparazzi about the celebs on their airplane? >> they didn't release the name of the employee. >> uh. >> the airline claims they fired a woman who was calling the paparazzi, being paid. and that were buying a ticket next to madonna, sienna miller, sasha ber ren cohen and listening on their conversation from trans-atlantaic flights. is that not crazy? of course, everything you talk about is there. >> right.
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>> and she quit -- . >> yes. >> the on employee is quit. >> and we'll find out more about that. they started to name a couple of celebrities. >> yes. >> and you saw the virgin atlantic jet and this is incredible. a woman vacationing in saint martin got caught up. look at this. >> is that not crazy? >> and -- i know. she's okay, though. >> oh. >> this is what they call a jet wash. an airplane nearby. it was taking off and the engine, the -- . >> how do they allow this? they saying there is a bar and restaurant. >> uh. >> and behind where they take off and that this is happening more than once. >> reporter: am sure people do it all of the time. if it's behind the bar? >> you have a couple of drippings. >> and note to self, don't do that if vacationing in saint martin. >> and there is your warning. over to you, brian. and staying on top of the rick santorum news. he's suspending his campaign for the republican nomination.
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and lenny type is horn will discuss what that means. and proving a point could income at a cost for conservative activists, after their video went viral showing the lack of security at polling places in d.c. and how many times did you hit the snooze button this morning? the alarm clock forcing you to get out of bed. [ female announcer ] with xfinity,
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. a fox 5 consumer alert tonight. apple shares hit an all-time high today. it comes as the company crosses the six hundred billion dollars market cap. one other company has been worth this much. microsoft hit $619 billion in 1999. apple's stock is up 59% since the start of the year. and best buy's ceo is resigning as head of the natilargest consumer
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electronics retailer. brian dunn led the company since june of 2009. and faced a lot of criticism for not responding quickly enough to growing competition and changing habits. there were no disagreements with him. but it was time for new leadership. thanks for joining us at 5. >> the news edge at 6 starts right now. right now. . this presidential race for us is over. for me. and we will suspend our campaign effective today. we are not done fighting. >> rick santorum announcing this afternoon his campaign for the white house is over. the news edge begins with a major shakeup for the race for the gop nomination. santorum's announcement clears the way for his rival, mitt romney. as beth parker tells us, santorum focused on his success during his campaign, rather than defeat and that is in the newsroom now. >>


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